A magician levitates a ball in 3D space. Another option is to levitate a candle stand with 3 candles all independently.
The performer reaches into the cabinet and produces imaginary or invisible objects from the cabinet.
Mid-air Metamorphosis Effect
The Airtime levitation is a double levitation where an assistant is levitated many feet off the ground. The magician cannot reach her to pass a hoop around her body so instead he levitates himself to meet her in the air and is able to pass the hoop.
The magician is confined inside a polished metal torture device and then impaled with a rack of sharp spikes.
For the Broadway musical, a special illusion in which the hero is trapped within a solid brick wall.
Assistants climb into a NASA space simulator and are raised above the stage where they vanish in midair.
A bed of spikes penetrates a spectator from the audience
An especially visual variation of the Sawing-in-Half using a spectator from the audience.
The magician lies on a table under several hanging swords. An assistant chooses strings tied to the swords. Each string drops a different sword and all swords will miss the magician's body except for one which will plunge through his chest. The assistant chooses all the safe swords and the magician is spared.