Smoke Box

Smoke Box
Illusion Main Category
Long Description

Designer: Tim Clothier
Builder: Tim Clothier - Illusion Projects Inc.

A small metal box is shown with the interior brightly lit. The audience has a clear view to the back of the box. The box is spun around showing all sides (or the box can spin by itself on the automated turntable addition). The box begins to fill with smoke. The Magician lifts off the lid and the sides gently glide open revealing the appearance of the assistant. It uses a unique concealment method that allows the physical box size to remain extremely small. It was inspired by the Blammo Box and Smoke Chamber.

The illusion is constructed from aluminum. The LED lights and fog machine are powered by rechargeable batteries. The illusion breaks into flat pieces for packing.

Note that the idea for smoke illusions is public domain but the specific implementation and appearance of this particular smoke illusion is Tim Clothier's proprietary design.

Information provided by Tim Clothier

Website for More Info and/or Purchasing
Contact Email for Creator or Builder
  • Smoke Box
  • Smoke Box
  • Smoke Box