Bottle Box

Illusion Main Category
Long Description

Designer: Guy Jarrett

Jarrett developed the Bottle Box and sold it to The Great Raymond and also Howard Thurston, though there are no other indications except in Jarrett's own writings that Raymond or Thurston ever used the effect.

A box resembling a 24 qt. bottle beer case is carried in by two assistants and placed on a table, the top of which is covered by a 3 inch drape hanging down around all sides. The box dimensions are 26 x 20 x 14 inches. The table has one center post that is 3 inches wide that branches into a foot at the bottom.

The lid of the box is opened and 36 quart bottles removed. Many are opened and poured out and all are jangled, showing they are real bottles. Next, four 6 inch flower boxes with large bouquets are removed, followed by a couple of dishes of fruit, two 9 inch glass fish bowls, and under cover of a cloth, and 18 inch fish bowl. The lid is then closed and the magician opens a Japanese umbrella obscuring the top of the box. Upon removal, an assistant is then shown standing on the lid of the box. The box is then removed from the table and the cover of the table is "accidentally" pulled off showing the table top is actually only 1 inch thick and completely unprepared.